Sunday, February 1, 2015



I have wanted to do a blog for a few years now. I have started a couple and then stopped because it never felt right. The name didn't feel right, what I was writing about didn't feel right. The same still applies with the name - I want it to feel like my diary, my little piece of the Internet. I may have to think about it a little more. 

But I have decided to bite the bullet and just write. I used to be a writer back in school. It was one of my favourite past times. It was a way to look into my subconscious and let the words flow. It aligned my thoughts and let myself think freely - if my thoughts were on paper, I wouldn't worry about forgetting them. 

That is the purpose of this blog. I am 22, turning 23 this year. A lot happened to me over the past few years, that changed the direction of my life onto a path I never imagined. I am married to the sweet guy I met when I was 14. We have a beautiful home together. I graduated university and have been successful in applying what I have learnt into a full time occupation. But all of this happened so fast, and I must say, quite young.

It seems that only a few short years ago I was a teenager in uni eating McDonalds for lunch after a mere 3 hours at university on a Tuesday. Wait, that was just a few years ago. A few years ago I was 19. Back then that felt so... ready. Like that was the age of adulthood. I was ready to take on the world and the world was going to take me on board. I was going to join the ranks of the successful, the ones with the nice cars and houses. And it was going to be glorious and fantastic and I am going to be so sophisticate and grown up with make up from a department store, not the drugstore. 

Yes, that has happened on the most part.  The foundation is not from the chemist, and my car is no longer 20 years old.  But what I didn't realise was that being an adult is full of responsibilities. There are bills to pay, a house to clean and dinners to cook. After a long day at work. On a Wednesday. Before the gym but after sorting the laundry. 

But of course, with a glass of red in hand and music playing. 

This blog is not going to be a complaint. It is going to be a documentary. My diary. My thoughts and recordings of the little tricks and tips I pick up as life marches on. On life, health, art, fashion, anything that catches my eye. I intend this to be a blog that records my particular brand of lifestyle, so that I materialise the memories. 

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